Customer Registration Already have an account? Log in

1. Account Information
Account Setup &
Service Location
2. Service Setup
Select a Plan or Preregister
3. Confirm & Pay
Confirm account details &
pay with credit card

Service Location Type

Account Setup

  • Your password can't be too similar to your other personal information.
  • Your password must contain at least 8 characters.
  • Your password can't be a commonly used password.
  • Your password can't be entirely numeric.
Enter the same password as before, for verification.

Account Details

Use format: 123-456-7890
Name / Organization and Town

Receive a reminder email the night before each scheduled pickup.

We periodically look for volunteers to promote composting at farmers markets, outreach events and for other tasks in exchange for compost, free pick ups or Black Earth Compost swag. We send out notifications about opportunities through our newsletter.

Service Address

Street address including number. 123 Example Street
Appartment, suite, unit, building, etc
Is there anything we should know about this location when servicing? Examples include:
  • "This location is accessed from a different street."
  • "The bin will be serviced in the parking lot."
  • "Our house is in a gated community."

Billing Address

My billing address is the same as my service address. NOTE: A billing address is not required when preregistering or enrolling in a fully funded town program.

Gift Certificate

We found an account matching your email address . If you remember your account password, you can log in. Otherwise, you can recover your account by resetting your password.

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