Bin Health and Maintenance

Show your bin some love. Some simple habits can help relieve some of the gross factor with composting and help your bin last longer. Good bin maintenance includes:

1) Keep liquid out of your bin as best as possible
2) Line with compostable bags/paper bags, tying off helps
3) Rinse bin after being emptied and flip it over to fully dry
4) Sprinkle baking soda in the bottom of the bin to reduce smell and absorb liquid
5) Keep the bin out of the sun
6) Freeze scraps until the day of pickup
7) Put meat/fish into paper and wrap it up like a burrito

Black Earth is not responsible for the bin if lost, stolen, or damaged. Please label your bin with your address. Replacement bins and parts can be ordered through the customer account shop.


Remedies for Specific Issues

FRUIT FLIES - Eliminate the flies' food and water source from your countertop by keeping fruit in the fridge and a lid on your countertop container. Empty your countertop container before it overflows or soils. Wash and dry the container before filling it up again. To catch fruit flies, fill up a mason jar with apple cider vinegar and a drop of dish soap. Secure plastic wrap over the top and poke small holes into the top. Leave it near your countertop container.

MAGGOTS - After your collection (don't worry if there are maggots, we still take it), rinse your bin out and put it upside down in the sun to fully dry. You can start filling your lined bin again the next day. Plan to repeat this as necessary after each pickup during the warmer months. Rinsing once often does the trick.

How to Prevent Maggots in the First Place:
Maggots are a stage in the lifecycle of a fly. The female fly will lay eggs on your food waste and within a day the eggs will turn into larvae, also known as maggots. The maggot will feed for 3-5 days. They will then become pupae, dormant in a cocoon-like shell, for 3-6 days while they turn back into a fly. So, no maggots.

Make it Harder for Flies to Access Your Compost:

- Keep your countertop container covered and the lid latched on your curbside bin.
- Use countertop container liners and tie them off before putting them in your bin.
- Reduce moisture and odors by adding baking soda to the bottom of the bin, squeezing out liquids, and wrapping strong-smelling fruit/meat/shellfish in newspaper.
- Freeze compost in the freezer until collection day (countertop container liners work well for freezing compost).
- Keep your bin out of the sun.

Deep Cleaning Your Bin:
Clean the bin with vinegar or dish soap to get rid of any smells or remaining maggots or pupae. Pouring boiling water over the bin will also kill them instantly. Always let the bin fully dry.

ANIMALS - If you experience animals knocking over your bin and the orange clasp is not holding shut, you can add reinforcement to keep the lid closed. We are testing a secondary lock that helps secure the orange clip in place to prevent it from opening as easily. It is available in the Shop along with replacement clips. Other options are adding a tight, strong bungee cord or attaching an additional strap. Peppermint oil can be applied to the lid regularly and acts as a natural deterrent. 

Squirrels have also been caught sitting on top of the bin, chewing through the plastic. Ways to deter squirrels are by applying a strong odor on the lid regularly such as hot pepper smells, like jalapeƱo, cayenne, and black pepper or peppermint oil, coffee, or white vinegar. You can also keep the bin inside a garage or another trash can between pickups. We are looking for alternative options to help deter squirrels. If you find one that works well, please let us know.

For all animals, refer to the general maintenance tips above to help reduce smells.

Watch this video with tips and tricks to keep your bin odor and pest free.


Replacement Bins and Latches are Available in the Customer Account Shop

How To Install a Replacement Bin Latch
