Orders of compost and premium soil blend placed by May 14th (with a delivery week of 5/20) will come in time to plant warm weather seedlings Memorial Day weekend, after danger of frost has passed and soil temps are warmer. Shop Compost and Soil Delivery


Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do I sign up?

A: We are currently accepting pre-registration.  Pre-register now to bring CHaRM to your town July 2024.

Q: When are the pickups?

A: We will be doing pickups monthly or quarterly depending on town. All customers will be notified a month or so before the pickup week letting them know they can opt-in for the pickup, with reminders weekly until the collection begins. All customers will be notified of their specific collection date a week before the pickups begin. Subscribers can also opt-in through their account dashboard.

Q: Where do I leave my items for pickup?

A: Please leave your items out on your front porch or front steps on your scheduled collection date. We recommend not to leave items out on the curb to prevent them from being taken by trash collection or passerby's.

Q: What do I put my items in for pickup?

A: All subscribers will receive 3 standard size bags for Electronics, Textiles and Donations. Please only put one item type in each bag. You are allowed to put the same item type in multiple bags of you have more of one (IE 2 bags of electronics and 1 bag of textiles). If you have more than 3 bags worth of items you can add on additional bags for $10 per bag when opting in to your pickup. We ask these be left in standard paper grocery bags. 

All One Time Pickup customers will not receive the standard bags and should leave items out in standard paper grocery bags. 

All TerraCycle categories should be placed in TerraCycle bags.

Q: What items are accepted for pickup?

A: We are currently collecting Electronics, Textiles, Donations and Hard to Recycle Items through TerraCycle. Please view a comprehensive list of what is accepted here

Q: I do not see my specific item on the accepted page, what do I do?

A: Please send an email to bulksales@blackearthcompost.com and we will let you know if we are able to take those items.

Q: Where do my collected items end up?

A: We have partnered with multiple facilities to ensure all collected items go to the proper end markets for recycling. All electronics are sent to a partnered Electronics Recycling facility for proper destruction and recycling, they are certified to all state and federal regulations for electronic recycling. 

Donations and Textiles are collected through a partnered recycler who distributes all items for reuse if possible, or recycles them if they are unusable. 

All Hard to Recycle items are collected by TerraCycle who has partnered with a vast number of end market facilities to ensure all items are recycled properly. Learn more about TerraCycle here.

Q: What do I do with data on hard drives?

A: Our partnered Electronics Recycler does have NAID AAA certification for data destruction, so when hard drives arrive at the facility all data is removed before the items are recycled. We do recommend formatting all hard drives before putting them out for collection for sake of redundancy and security. Please Google your device name and "how to format hard drive" for information on your specific device.

Q: How do I get more TerraCycle bags?

A: All subscribers get 1 large and 1 small TerraCycle bag delivered when they sign up for their subscription. If you need more bags delivered you can order them through you customer dashboard. One Time Pickup customers are able to order TerraCycle bags through the opt-in page when opting in to their collection. 

Q: How do I change what items are on my pickup order after opting in?

A: Please send an email to bulksales@blackearthcompost.com with what you need to change and we will update the order accordingly.

Q: I forgot to put my items out on my collection day, what do I do?

A: Please send an email to bulkdispatch@blackearthcompost.com and we will do our best to reschedule the pickup.