Spring is here! Bring your soil to life with a delivery of compost, soil, leaf mulch, or raised beds. We will notify compost collection customers at the beginning of April when their voucher for a cubic foot bag of compost is available in their online account.


School Garden Program

Sustainable education is the future of our students.

We make it easy for schools to integrate full circle, hands-on experiences for children to learn from. Starting with composting their food scraps in the cafeterias, receiving finished compost and adding it to the soil, and using their hands to grow, harvest, and prepare food to eat. We offer:

  • Installation of raised beds filled with our compost/soil blend.
  • Discounts on raised beds, compost, soil blends for schools with collection service.
  • Collection service referral incentives for schools and PTOs
  • Partnership with Backyard Growers Curriculum

An Opportunity for Outdoor Learning

The lessons children learn in their youth impact their future. We want to help create the opportunity for children to explore the environment and become passionate about understanding how to feed themselves whole foods! This is a great means to teach kids Biology, Ecology, and Health. Did you know most kids don't know where food comes from? This not only teaches them where, but how, and supplies the kitchen with healthy food!

Backyard Growers Programming

We partner with Backyard Growers, a non-profit organization that runs a very successful program working with schools to help teach students how to build their own gardens and grow their own food. Once students are diverting their food scraps, we haul those scraps and turn them into compost. We will establish a garden and install raised beds filled with our compost/loam mix for Backyard Growers to run educational programs surrounding them. Students are then able to have a hands-on experience growing their own food and learning about sustainable waste management and food production as a closed-loop system.

It's a fun, engaging, and educational program for students to understand the science behind how food gets to their plate. A garden for the school community is a great way to get students involved as a team to work towards an exciting outcome. They even get to enjoy eating their hard work!

Visit the Backyard Growers School Garden page for more info on their school garden curriculum.

Download the Backyard Growers School Garden Flyer

Have Your Own Curriculum?

If you choose to use Backyard Growers or not, we are still able to provide compost, soil, or install raised beds filled with our compost/loam mix to establish your school garden or expand it.

Schools that participate in food scrap collection receive discounts on raised beds, compost, and soil mixes.  You can also earn raised beds or money for your school through our school and PTO referral programs.

Contact us to learn more.

School Gardens Around MA

We are honored to contribute to the Boston Growing Resilience Schoolyard Project in 2020. While the pandemic kept teachers and students out of schools, a committed group of 70 volunteers raised money, revived, planted, and harvested the gardens at 14 schools around Boston. Returning the vegetables to families in a time of increasing food insecurity.

See the Boston Globe Article - When Boston’s public schools closed in March, their gardens went untended. Then a volunteer effort grew.