Take the First Step
Teach future generations sustainable habits in the critical years. In the school setting, separating out food scraps, has many benefits beyond waste reduction. It becomes part of the curriculum.
Detailed program implementation examples can be found in our Case Studies.
Utilize a Multi-Step Process of Food Systems Education:
Reduce Waste
By switching to certified compostable paper trays instead of styrofoam and composting food scraps, the school can drastically reduce the amount of trash it produces every week. Learn about compostable certifications.
Grow Food
Schools can further the educational component and bring the compost concepts full circle by building gardens and using the compost to grow food. Learn more about establishing a garden program for your school.

Black Earth can help educate students on why composting is important and how it works. Backyard Growers also offer education programs for kids on sustainability and waste reduction.

Help Fund Your Program
School Referral Program: Refer a household and receive $10 credit. This program can help supplement your compost program. For every resident that enters your school name in the organization referral field at sign up, the School will receive $10 of their compost bill.
PTO Referral Program: Refer a household with your custom referral sign up link and the PTO will receive $5 and the household receives $5 off their first purchase. Instead of money the PTO can also earn a raised garden bed for the school to establish a school garden program.
Sell bags of compost, compost vouchers, or 10+ bag orders, to raise money for your school compost program.
Host a pumpkin drop off drive after Halloween to encourage composting of spoiled pumpkins. The kids (or adults) get to toss the pumpkins into the truck through a basketball hoop. It's fun!
Contact us to set up a one of these programs.
School Systems We Service Include:

and many more
Schools In the News for Composting
Burlington, MA: This video is a great introduction to how the Burlington Public Schools are rolling out their compost program.
Melrose, MA: Hear first hand from Melrose High School students how they launched a pilot compost program last year to full implementation, how it's being funded by the Melrose DEP and processed by Black Earth Compost.
Natick, MA: Natick’s Wilson Middle school enriched with cafeteria composting program
Jamestown, RI: Blossoming composting program at Melrose School cutting waste

Compostable Serviceware
We only accept compostable serviceware that is third party certified compostable to ensure it breaks down into non-toxic substances within 6 months in a composting facility. There are now many certified and acceptable trays available.
Full list of BPI certified trays: BPI Certified Trays
Learn more about compostable certifications and what's compostable.
Download signage for your zero waste trash stations.

Food Scrap Diversion Curriculum
Free curriculum is available by Let's Go Compost! Enter your contact information in their form to gain access to curriculum for K-8th grade.

For in person, full service curriculum we recommend Change is Simple.