What Goes in My CHaRM Bags
Items Must Be Presorted Into:
Plastic Stretchy Film (lime green bag)
TerraCycle Zero Waste Bag (purple bag add on)

Accepted Electronics
- Boom Boxes/Radios
- Cable Boxes
- Cameras
- Cell Phones
- Computer Towers
- Cords/Chargers
- Electronic Toys
- Fans
- GPS Systems
- Hard Drives
- Hair Dryers
- Headphones
- Home/Office Phones
- Keyboards
- Laptops
- Mice
- Printers/Scanners
- Routers/Servers
- Satellite Receivers
- Small Kitchen Appliances
- Speakers
- Stereo Equipment
- Tablets
- VCR/DVD Players
- Video Cameras
- Video Game Consoles
- Walkie Talkies
- Watches
Additional Fee
Additional Fee
- Flat Screen Monitor
- Flat Screen TV
- Lamp
- Microwave
- Vacuum
Not Accepted Electronics
- Air Conditioning Units
- Batteries
- Breast Pumps
- CD's
- CRT Monitors (not flat screen)
- Dehumidifiers
- Electronic Toothbrushes
- Floppy Disks
- Light bulbs
- Shavers
- Smoke Detectors
- Thermometers
- VHS Tapes
Accepted Textile Recycling Items
- Belts
- Bedding/Linens
- Clothing
- Curtains
- Decorative Pillows
- Fabric Scraps
- Hats & Gloves
- Jackets
- Purses
- Shoes
- Towels
Not Accepted Textile Recycling Items
- Heavily Worn Out Clothing or Shoes
- Insert Material
- Stuffed Animals
- Wet, Moldy, or Mildewy Textiles
Accepted Donation Bag
- Artwork
- Books
- CDs/DVDs
- Coffee Makers
- Drink-ware (not glass)
- Jewelry
- Musical Instruments
- Nick-knacks
- Pots and Pans
- Silverware
- Sports Equipment
- Sports Memorabilia
- Toys and Stuffed Animals
Not Accepted Donations Items
- Electronics
- Fragile Items (dishes, etc.)
- Furniture
- Shoes
- Textiles & Fabric
- Magazines
- Mattresses
Accepted Stretchy Plastic
- Air Packaging
- Bread Bags
- Bubble Wrap
- Case Wraps
- Food Storage Bags
- Padded Envelopes or Mailers
- Plastic Shopping Bags
- Ziploc Bags
- Plastic Wrap
- Shrink Wrap
Not Accepted Items
- Glass
- Foamed Plastics
- Non-Stretchy Plastic
- PLA or Compostable Plastics
- Wood

Add on a TerraCycle Zero Waste Bag for an additional fee. Each bag must contain only one of the waste streams listed below. If you have more than one waste stream to recycle you need to get an additional bag for each stream. Click here for acceptable material for each stream.
Small Terracycle Bags (10"x13")
Acceptable items
Acceptable items
Large Terracycle Bags (24"x24")
Acceptable items
Acceptable items
Learn more about TerraCycle.