Spring is here! Bring your soil to life with a delivery of compost, soil, leaf mulch, or raised beds. We will notify compost collection customers at the beginning of April when their voucher for a cubic foot bag of compost is available in their online account.

Needham Community Farm

Farm and Community Partnerships

Gardens and Soil for Municipalities, Schools, Farms & More

Our mission comes full circle through our partnerships with the local food system. We partner with farms, community gardens, schools, food forests and more by providing raised beds, compost and soil to grow more food from food scraps.

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Building Community Food Projects

In 2020-2022 we proudly supported the following community food initiatives with compost, soil or raised beds:


Supporting Local Farms with Farmworks

With the support of our customers, we were able to offer compost at a reduced rate to the local farms in the map below in 2020-2022. 10 cents of each bag of compost sold goes to our FarmWorks program.

Join a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) program at one of these farms or buy their produce at their farm stand to complete the full circle sustainability loop.  

Find a Partner Farm


Backyard Growers Partnership

Compost donated by our curbside compost customers goes to non-profit Backyard Growers. Backyard Growers provides gardens, plants, and instruction to low income and elderly people so they can grow their own food. 

In addition, Backyard Growers supports a garden at the Open Door food pantry, several community gardens, as well as a year round school gardening program. 

Sustainability Partners

Three River Farm Alliance connects local farms, customers and businesses to create healthier communities.

Seaside Sustainability is an environmental and sustainability nonprofit based in MA dedicated to protecting and restoring our oceans through education and action.

Energy Sage offers valuable educational resources, calculators and marketplaces to help you learn about and shop for solar with confidence.