Spring is here! Bring your soil to life with a delivery of compost, soil, leaf mulch, or raised beds. We will notify compost collection customers at the beginning of April when their voucher for a cubic foot bag of compost is available in their online account.


Municipal Organics Collection and Site Management


Municipal Collection

Working directly with local communities and committees, Black Earth offers municipal citywide curbside compost pickup service. Let Black Earth help you structure a flexible and cost-effective compost program for your town or city today! Solutions can range from city wide to a pilot program, subsidized collection bins, low-cost private collection via Preferred Vendor model, drop off locations, and more.

The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection offers a grant through the Sustainable Materials Recovery Program to help pay for compost bins and implement programs. Black Earth is the Preferred Vendor in Lexington, Canton, Wakefield, Brookline, Newton and Belmont due to our excellent track record, very low pricing, and best use of material; turning into high quality compost for growing more food.

Contact Us For The Municipal Guide

Compost and Transfer Site Planning, Construction, and Management

In addition to compost pickup service we offer municipal leaf and yard waste compost site assessment, optimal strategy, permitting, construction, and management. By bringing in collected organics from the town’s residents and schools, the sites better serve the community and the material breaks down more efficiently.  This includes discounts on collection rates and compost for residents.

Our Compost Sites

Community Gardens

In Salem we helped Maitland Farm convert a baseball field to into a farm. In Wakefield we built 50 raised beds and more in other towns. Increasing food production on the local level is an excellent way to get people outdoors, socializing, empowering them to grow their own food, healthier food too. It's healthy all around! We also partner with Backyard Growers: we build it, they organize and implement it.

More Community Partnerships

If you would like more information about our municipal services, or would like us to help you bring compost municipal services to your city or town, please call 978-290-4610 (extension 1), or email conor@blackearthcompost.com. We operate across eastern MA and have been in business for 10 years, making the highest quality compost on the market today. 

Municipalities we service include:


"This morning at our staff meeting, Nancy Hammond spoke up about how great your service has been. The bins are emptied completely, set back not thrown, and generally it has been a very positive change. I wanted to pass this along to you, as I have said, I think you are doing great, but this is a compliment from someone with first hand experience. Thank you."

Carol Murray - City of Manchester-by-the-Sea